May you have a blessed month! presents our precious children in Kuwait
“Ramadan is Back” The first Kuwaiti activity book for children!
“Ramadan is Back” is especially dear to our hearts because it introduces and re-inscribes to children the facts and values we hold about the Holy month of Ramadan. This book not only teaches children what fasting is and why we fast, but it also emphasizes the importance of practicing all our good manners all year long. This book also encourages children to commit themselves to healthy eating habits. A vital message that is expressed in this book is to use this blessed time of year to send our love to the entire world and pray for global peace!
“Ramadan is Back” is available in Sultan Center – Teacher Cellar – Bassinet world – Virgin – Jareer – Visitor – Ideal Books – Kuwait bookshop .
And in our own : Welovekuwait Book shop in al Muthanna complex – mezzanine – shop #122. also has a special gift for the little CBK clients! The Commercial Bank of Kuwait showed special interest in presenting the children with a gift that is educational and informative, when they contacted us regarding a Ramadan special we discovered that we shared the enthusiasm and the passion to create something original that is not only a lot of fun! But is instructive and enriching for the children of Kuwait! The book we created for CBK includes beautiful rhymes and song, coloring pictures, a maze, and a lot of positive messages on health and Ramadan Traditions.. Please enjoy!
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